DUDE Wipes

Best clean, pants down.


The cleaning sensation that’s wiping the nation…’s butts.

Life-long friends, Sean Riley, Ryan Meegan, Jeff Klimkowski, started DUDE Wipes, the extra-large, wet, flushable wipe for men, out of their Chicago apartment in 2011. Since then it has become one of the fastest growing men’s hygiene companies in the U.S. retailing $100+ million in sales annually. But, with adult wipes having only 34% household penetration, the Dudes realized they were barely wiping the surfaces. It was time to take on toilet paper and change the way the world wipes their bum-bums forever. It was time to raise awareness of the category and the short-comings of dry toilet paper by partnering with us, Curiosity, to create their first, and what we think is their best ever, national advertising campaign, pants down.

The challenge

The challenge was simple: Make DUDE Wipes famous, especially among men 18-44.

The strategy

Wet beats dry, pants down.

Butt cleanliness has long been, well, the butt of jokes, with men being the #1 culprits of poor #2 cleaning habits. But, that was before the life changing benefits of DUDE Wipes existed.We simply had to get them to question their current archaic cleaning method of dry-wiping with toilet paper, and switch to a superior clean with wet, flushable DUDE Wipes for a more confident clean. Because obviously, wet cleans better than dry, pants down.

The creative

Don’t be an A-hole to your B-hole.

So, how do you get the attention of dudes who don’t even know they have a buttoral hygiene problem? You create a 30 second anthemic spot with an earworm of a jingle that lets people know there’s a movement happening, and they need to join it before their next movement.

But, no thinking-dude is just going to jump on the DUDE Wipes clean-butt-bandwagon without some clear and hard facts. That’s where our second spot, “Re-Learning to Wipe,” comes in. Set in a classroom, adults are educated in the superior cleaning power of wet, extra-large, flushable DUDE WIPES using balloon bums as visual aids. Both spots, which were directed by Chris Woods of Method & Madness, and feature original music created by music house, The Elements, will also appear in 15-second and 6-second versions.

The results

Not only did the creative clean up in the press, but it got more butts into stores than ever before. The campaign contributed to a 10% absolute sales lift in test markets, boosted unaided awareness 5% among our core demographic, and was the only wet wipe brand to increase unaided awareness among females (10% to 12%). These early wins led to DUDE Wipes running Drop Your Drawers in select markets during the Big Game and a massive national media buy for both hero spots, audio, OOH, and social.

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