Questionable Taste cookbook

$ 35.00 USD

What does curiosity taste like? This book can’t stop answering that question. Inside are nearly 75 Michelin-worthy eats, soul-warming personal stories, and surely, the best intentions. The only problem? We work in advertising – and many of us lack the grandmotherly love and patience to actually pull them off. We refuse to be confined to a recipe. There’s no room for revisions. And our taste is questionable. All this, plus our hands are so very fragile. This cookbook goes out to the real masterminds out there – our people’s people. The ones who stoked our curiosity at a young age. The ones whose creativity went unnoticed and often unappreciated. The ones who tirelessly perfected their craft that – in many cases – skipped a generation (or two). This is Questionable Taste. Inspired eats. Curious executions.


Feel that? That’s curiosity.

Let’s solve something together.