CMOs: Don’t Get Fired for Hiring the Wrong Agency

Listen up, CMOs — we've got some real talk for you today about one of the biggest decisions that could make or break your marketing career. And the advice comes straight from folks who have been in the room for hundreds of agency searches. Today, we’re teaching you how to hire the right agency. Get this wrong, and you might be updating your resume sooner than you planned. 

That’s right, hiring a lackluster agency is actually grounds for getting shown the door in this high-stakes marketing world of ours. No pressure, right?

But don't panic just yet. We're here to share the inside scoop on separating the true strategic superstars from the pretty packaging and empty promises. If you prioritize the right factors, you can absolutely nail this critical hiring decision. Let's break it down:

Demand deep business mastery

First off, the agency needs to demonstrate a genuine understanding of your business that goes far beyond just surface-level smarts. Here are a few things they should know from the get-go:

  • The consumer and target audience
  • Your brand
  • Your competition

From there, they should be able to extract insights and apply them to their strategy so that it drives your business. Do they know your industry and how it’s changing, or the major challenges that your brand is facing in the market? If the answer is no, that’s your sign that they’re not the right agency for you. 

As Steve Boehler, founder of Mercer Island Group puts it, "It starts with my business. It ends with my business, but there's all those elements of the business that are really critical that they really have to dive into and understand to help me get it right." Powerful strategies don't come from generalizations — they require customized insights tailored to your company's unique situation.

Don’t Get Shiny Object Syndrome

That brings us to our next point: Be wary of any agency resting too heavily on past glories and shiny case studies in their pitch. As Robin Boehler, partner at Mercer Island Group, warns, “If an agency brings their past work and it's really great work, then a client could be swayed or swept off their feet by it.”

Instead, focus on what they're saying they can do for your business. Did they pay attention to the challenges you discussed with them? Did they read the brief? Did they do their homework?

Seeing some of their greatest hits is a great way to foster credibility. But what you really need to hone in on is fresh thinking aimed squarely at cracking your company's biggest opportunities and challenges. Don't let yourself get dazzled by repackaged campaigns that aren't custom-built for your brand's priorities.

Prioritize a True Spirit of Collaboration

Finally, the agency you choose absolutely must demonstrate an eagerness to operate as a true strategic partner through thick and thin. What should you look for? They'll display a real openness to learning and adjusting throughout the pitch process based on your input.

"Look for whether the agency seems to understand how you think and what's important, then adjust their approach," Robin advises. You're seeking a relationship grounded in dialogue and co-creation, not agencies stubbornly pitching pre-baked ideas regardless of your brand’s needs.

In other words, double down on finding a "learning organization" that respects the expertise you bring to the table. Steer clear of the know-it-all types who will ignore your feedback. You need curious collaborators continuously soaking up your brand's nuances throughout your partnership.

So there you have it, CMOs. Demand true business mastery of your company's unique ins and outs. Prioritize breakthrough thinking over recycled greatest hits. And embrace the agencies humble enough to treat your relationship as an evolving journey of marketing insights.

Nail those three criteria, and you'll not only sidestep hiring a dud that derails your career, but you'll also be well on your way to forging an unstoppable force for driving growth and industry dominance.

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